I’ll be for so called marriage equity when then inherently inferior social arrangement in fact prove to be equal,  Anna Peirano, 429 Magazine:

Google is launching a new campaign called “Legalize Love” with the intention of inspiring countries to legalize marriage for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people around the world.

The “Legalize Love” campaign officially launches in Poland and Singapore on Saturday, July 7th. Google intends to eventually expand the initiative to every country where the company has an office, and will focus on places with homophobic cultures, where anti-gay laws exist

Why?  Society should not promote as equal, what is not equal, from Roxeanne de Luca, Haemet:

In no particular order, any human society has gay men, lesbians, heterosexual men, heterosexual women, and asexual and chaste people. Gay men can’t get pregnant and can’t get their partners pregnant. Lesbians can’t get their partners pregnant and can’t get pregnant without artificial technology or switching teams, so to speak. Straight men can’t get pregnant (but can get women pregnant). Celibate people don’t get pregnant. The only group that can get pregnant through a sexual encounter is heterosexual women.

Alternative lifestyles share the common deficit of being unable to create and maintain a biological family.

Is it really love to promote social grouping which are inherently barren, and even with artificial assistance are incapable of producing an intact biological family?  Call it lust.  Don’t bother trying to call it love.

One Response to “It is the Plumbing, Stupid”


  1. Keith McNeil