The difference between working in whore house and for the Main Stream Media, is that a whore does not have lie to her mother how she earns her living.  Being a journwhoreist means having no shame.    Every thing the media reported other than the fact of a horrific school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut was needless and most of it was wrong.   There was no public interest served by attempted identification of the shooter, and considerable harm down when the lame streamers identified the brother of the shooter as the perp.   From Matt K. Lewis, Week:

It’s time to have a national conversation… about the media.


And when it comes time for moralizing, the media predictably assumes the availability of guns is the problem, without considering how journalists themselves might be contributing to the coarsening of our already-violent society.

Funny how the hoplophobic media continues to profess bewilderment that the so-called “Gun=Free Safety Zone” simply does not, and  can not work, while spending much of the day in armed citadels mistakenly referred to as newsrooms.

So in who or what you trust to protect your freedom, a vibrant Second Amendment, or a journwhoreist the ilk of Walter Duranty.