The Thug of the Day is Max Read.   Actually thug is too nice of a word to describe a reprobate like Read.   If Read were man enough to be a real thug, he be willing to do his own dirty work.   Instead Read cheers from the sidelines, while pro-Obama union goons do Read’s dirty work, from Gawker:

Do We Really Have to Condemn the Union Protestor Who Punched Fox News Comedian Steven Crowder?


I have a third solution: Steven, stop whining, take your licks, and accept that getting hit in the face is a hazard of inserting yourself in the middle of an argument between billionaire-funded know-nothing ideologues and people whose livelihoods and stability are being threatened by the insatiable greed of the super-rich and the blind extremism of their wooden-headed political allies. In exchange, liberals will buy you a band-aid for the cut on your forehead and re-iterate that Punching Is Bad. Sound good? Send your answer on Twitter.

No Mr. Read, you don’t have to condemn anyone or anything.    The choice is is yours and yours alone to make, as the consequences your actions are your alone to bear.