The arguments for homosexual marriage has always been “discrimination”. To not allow them to marry is just take headed and discriminatory. David and I have argued over the years that such what open the flood gates to any form of coupling, calling it “marriage”.

David and I were both laughed off the planet as were the other people who made the same argument.

So, comes this story out of New Jersey where it is apparently legal to marry your own father.

FOX News — A teenager has revealed in an interview that she plans to marry her father and have children after dating for two years.

The unnamed 18-year-old revealed in an interview with New York Magazine her romantic relationship of almost two years with her biological father after being estranged from him for 12 years.

In the interview, the girl also said the two plan on having children as well.

The teenager said her father reached out to her on Facebook when she was in high school and soon after, she went to stay with him for a week.

After the week together, the 18-year-old said they had sex and were dating a short time later.

Said one respondent in an email to me, “I didn’t even know in incest in New Jersey was legal”. To which of course I responded “How else to explain the left leaning politics in New Jersey other than the several generations of inbreeding?”

In any event, this is as I said years ago the use of government to destroy instead of support the culture.

Can we say “I told you so”, now?

3 Responses to “Don’t Say We Didn’t Tell You”


  1. EricFlorack
  2. Joe Tranello
  3. James Pasquale