These morons will never learn.
We find at the Young Conservatives site

State Department Spokesperson Marie Harf told Chris Matthews that ISIS can be stopped if we just create jobs for them. She is literally living in an alternate reality. Guess what happens if we stop trying to kill ISIS? They grow stronger and keep killing the infidels.

Quite correct. And let’s add two other points.

One, given the success rate of job creation from this administration, on what basis does she figure that they’re going to be able to create all these jobs? They can’t even take care of Americans much less all of Islam. And that’s what it’s going to come down to.

Secondly, and as has been pointed out elsewhere, the belief that all we need to do is provide them jobs, comes directly from the Progressive Mantra of Economic determism… The belief that giving people with free stuff… Say, health care, jobs, a cell phone, etc, will make people nice, stop them torturing and murdering others. The theory is of course, demonstrably false. Observe with me that everywhere Democrats run the show, with this belief, have over the last 60 years turned into the worst places in the country, and on the planet.

There is one way to deal with these animals, and one only. You kill them. Like the rabid dogs that they are. No hesitation, no exceptions.

You kill them.

Harf meanwhile, needs to go back to serving french fries at McDonalds. Although come to think of it I don’t know as I even trust her with that task.

Addendum: (DavidL)

The video:

I am no fan a Chrissy Matthews. However, is says a lot that Matthews knows more about fighting the war on terror than does Dim Won b/k/a Barack Obama and his entire State Department.

As for giving the Muslims money, the Europeans, as the French and the Danes, have already tried that.   All it begets is Muslims violence.

One Response to “State Department Spokesperson: We Can’t Stop ISIS By Killing Them, We Need to Give Them Jobs –”


  1. EricFlorack