The issue is not whether or not term limits for Congressional members is a good idea. It has long been popular amongst rank-and-file Republicans because it is a good idea.
The question to my mind is whether or not Trump has the competence and patience to see such matters through.
To say the very least I have my doubts

One Response to “Term Limits?”

  1. The problem is not term limits, or lack thereof same.  The problem is the seniority system, which promotes the oldest and most senile to the positions with most power.  It seems readily apparent that after eighteen years in the Senate a senator’s brain, what little he had to being with, is fried.  Is Dirty Harry Reid really the best and the brightest the Senate ‘rats have to offer.

    How can current and former Senators, like Mrs. B.J. Clinton and Ted Cruz, argue they the best person to lead our nation with they colleagues never thought they were the best person to lead the Senate?