National Security Advisor, Herbert Raymond McMaster, via Fox News:
President Trump’s national security adviser said Sunday that the violence that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend “meets the definition of terrorism.”
H.R. McMaster told ABC’s “This Week” that “anytime that you commit an attack against people to incite fear, it is terrorism.”
In the real world, definitions are like a sword, they cut in both directions. Granted apparently James Fields Jr. drove the car that killed Heather Heyer. Therefore by General McMaster’s standards, the question isn’t who drove. The question which actor[s] attempted to initiate violence to induce panic? There are media reports of counter-protesters(George Soros thugs) pelting Fields car with rocks, and video of Soros thugs hitting Fields’ car with aluminum baseball bats.
Nobody carries a aluminum bat to a riot to play nine innings of baseball. I contend these bats were carried as weapons, and have footage of the bats being used as weapons, link(graphic). Did Fields hit Heyer in an attempt to injure or kill her, or was he fleeing from an armed mob in fear of his life?
More over, Jason Kessler’s march while distasteful to some was legal and was ordered by the court to be protected. So why did both the governor, Clinton toadie Terry McAuliffe, and the mayor, one Michael Signer, allow an unlicensed Soros mob to attack a legal protest?
Addendum: Stephen Green, Instapundit, just called Mayor Signer a possible fellow Soros conspirator:
There was plenty of time to prepare, and it was pretty clear what was happening, but the police just stood by. I think it’s quite possible — as with previous events at Berkeley and Chicago — that the Democratic mayor wanted to see violence against the marchers, and withheld police protection to facilitate it. I hope the Department of Justice will look closely at the decisionmaking here, and bring charges if appropriate.
So why did Mayor Signer fail to act, incompetence, indifference, or willful spite? Eric Holder isn’t around to protect corrupt mayors anymore.