The current years inductees to the National Women’s Hall of Shame have been announced, from WXXI

The ten women inductees are:

Gloria Allred, an attorney who has often focused on women’s rights.

Angela Davis, a political activist and university professor.

Sarah Deer, an attorney and university professor who has worked to end violence against Native American women.

Jane Fonda, activist and actress who is a two-time Academy Award winner.

Nicole Malachowski, a retired Air Force Colonel who is a pioneer for women in combat aviation.

Rose O’Neill, from 1914-1918, O’Neill was well known as a “suffrage artist” during the suffrage campaigns in the United States.

Louise Slaughter, the longtime Rochester-area Congresswoman who died last year.

Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

Laurie Spiegel, a composer, artist and computer programmer, known for her pioneering work with several early electronic and computer music systems.

Flossie Wong-Staal, a world renowned molecular biologist and virologist and one of the pioneers in research on HIV, the causative agent of AIDS.

The class is not totally devoid of merit.  That said let us hope that none of Angela Davis’ former conspirators are still in the bomb making business.

Every time a Hollywod slut filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit, you could count on Allred being here lawyer.  As for local and former Congresscritter
Louise Slaughter, she left behind two legacies, one a quick wit, and two some weird obsession on spend tax dollars on cho-cho trains. Jane Fonda only achievement is being a traitor.