I’m not going to try to steal David’s thunder on this one… But let’s face it… the evidence against Joe Biden and his touchy-feely fingers has been out there for a long time. And yet, the Democrats put up with it when he was Obama’s vice president.

To explain this, maybe we should consider the role of the vice president, which is in essence to make the president look good.

In this, having the brainpower of the average earthworm, Mr. Biden was uniquely qualified to that task. Therefore it was in Obama’s interest to keep complaints about Creepy Joe from making it to the all too compliant press.

Now, however, the situation has changed rather dramatically with Obama not being in the White House any longer.

The Democrats found out a long time ago that a good sexual scandal was a very usable tool for removing somebody from political contention for a given office. Clarence Thomas, and more recently Brett Kavanaugh seem good examples.

Well, if it works for members ostensibly of the opposite party, such things can also be used against your political enemies in your own party. So now, with supporting Obama no longer being a requirement, it’s almost as if Donald Trump nominated Joe Biden for the US supreme Court given the number of charges that are coming out of the woodwork now.

There is no way that this sudden onrush of accusers is organic in nature.

It’s almost impossible not to conclude that there are Democrats who recognize that Joe Biden would be a complete electorial disaster and are manipulating the situation to prevent him from running at all.