From friend and talk show host Stephanie Trussell in Chicago:

What have I been saying for awhile? White liberal women are the absolute worst.

Yesterday I attended the BLACK CHICAGO FOR TRUMP FISH FRY FUNDRAISER MEETUP. It was held in a private resident. About 10 white women and a few small children protested as we entered.

They made tacky signs, gathered across the street to protest blacks who love our President. I wanted to join them and engage but my sister stopped me, per instructions from my mom. I walked in the street smiling and waving hello.

I bet all those white liberals live in neighborhoods with grocery stores. I assure you their children attend quality schools. They sleep with the sounds of crickets not gunshots and sirens. Biden and Democrats support my people living in blighted shooting gallery neighborhoods with failing schools.

My President loves school choice and is investing in the black communities that have been neglected by the Democratic Party for decades.

Some liberal white woman made a BLM sign with Sharpie and a flap from a brown paper box (tacky) to protest me. Let that sink in.

Ya know… Leaving aside Stephanie’s main point for the moment…. Three times in the last week I’ve had people suggest that Trump won the 2016 election because the Democrats got complacent.

Ummmm… No.

The truth is Trump won the 2016 election because the Democrats had an absolutely horrible candidate at the top of the ticket that even a large number of Democrats wouldn’t vote for.
That situation hasn’t changed.

What has in fact changed, is that while in 2016 a large number of Democrats sat on their hands and did nothing, in 2020, a large number of Democrats are crossing the aisle having had enough of what the Democrat leadership has been offering up. That’s completely new and the numbers are impressive.

The gathering that Stephanie talks about here,is one of many such examples.

Now, as for the in-duh-viduals holding signs across the street from the event… A BLM sign? Really? So, what is the message being sent? That the black lives inside the pro -Trump event including that of Stephanie herself, somehow matter less?

Let’s face it, gang… the protesters that Stephanie talks about here were engaged in partisan politics, while using race as a crutch.

Basement Joe Biden himself came up with “if you’re having trouble figuring out who to vote for you ain’t black.” And this is more of the same, partisan politics wrapped up in blatant racism. The policies that they support, are precisely what has turned Chicago into the hell- hole that Stephanie describes.

It’s taken a lot longer than it should have, but there is… as I say, more and more people catching on to that idea everyday.

And, walking away.

And those bitter clingers across the street? Alas, that they will always exist. We can disagree with their abject idiocy, but personally I have to admit a certain degree of grudging admiration for their devotion to it.