Many years ago, I had a trusted adult in my life give me a piece of advice which has stuck with me all that time. He said…

“Sometimes running away from a punch in the mouth hurts worse than taking one.”

Put another way, the pain of whatever you’re running from can we can be worse than standing your ground and just dealing with it.

You see, fear can’t stop death. What it can stop, is life. it destroys us on many levels.

If nothing else the last yearor so has taught me that much.

We can’t let fear stop us from being who we are as individuals, and as a people. But that’s exactly what we’ve been doing for this last year at the behest of a government who is supposedly trying to protect us from a virus.

So this morning, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Democrat, has dictated that the covid-19 travel restrictions have been lifted. On the day after the election.

Now if you’re paying attention, you will have seen me write several times that a lot of the reaction to this thing has been political in nature… (when government runs healthcare, every healthcare decision becomes political) and this move by Cuomo would seem to confirm that the restrictions have always been political in nature.

Fear is a strong motivator. once the political need has been satisfied, the fear is no longer necessary and so the covid-19 travel restrictions get lifted.

And yes, I am quite aware of the level of corruption that I’m describing here…. But given what we’ve seen out of the Democrats for the last 4 years… who have clearly demonstrated they’re willing to do absolutely anything to gain power, would you put it past them?