It is said that time is the fire in which we burn, and yet except at odd intervals, we have no sense of being consumed.

In respect to that, consider firewood. When wood is dried out, less green, less new if you will, it burns much faster.

Christian author, apologist, evangelist, Dr Ravi Zacharias …whom we just lost a short while ago, remarked about this. He was giving a talk at one point about proofs for the existence of God that people often miss.

He said there’s a reason why the passage of time shocks us so. And when I say the passage of time, of course we all know what we’re talking about. The way the world is changing around us so fast. Children growing up so fast. Old friends growing older, passing. The way the world is moving so fast we can’t keep up with it. For me, the hardest part is stumbling into the bathroom in the morning catching a glimpse of the grey bearded gink and the mirror and recognizing yeah, that really is me.

Dr Ravi said there is a reason why the passage of time shocks us that way is because we were never really given much of a Time sense as a species.

And he said there’s a reason for that, as well. When we were first created, we were supposed to be living in an environment where time literally had no meaning. If you think I’m exaggerating on this, think again. Go through the first few chapters of Genesis and you will find that our mortality as a species wasn’t even mentioned, not even alluded to, until such time as the fall, and then only in reaction to it.

So if that lack of time sense was in our far ancients, then it is logical that that lack of time sense should be in us, as well.

Stay new, my friends