My old boss, Roger Kimball makes the following suggestion in his most recent article for The Spectator:

To say that what just happened in Afghanistan caught the Biden administration by surprise would be the understatement of the year

Ehhh…I’m not so sure about that one.

But why were they surprised? Joe Biden was elected – anyway, he campaigned – on the back of his vaunted “foreign policy experience.” After all, he had been in government for 120 years or whatever, so he had experience.

Well precisely. The fact of the matter is he did know better.

Sorry, I’m not buying any of this. They can’t possibly have been surprised. There is nobody on the planet that’s quite that stupid. And that by definition would include Joe Biden who after all is almost on the planet.

Look, let’s remember that Biden and Obama did precisely the same thing in Iraq in 2011. I’ve seen some people look at that and say that they learned absolutely nothing, but I look at this a little differently… I suggest that from their point of view there was nothing to learn from it. It went off swimmingly. They had achieved precisely the effect they wanted.

You can only call it a failure if the outcome wasn’t what they wanted. You don’t get the consistency of outcome without knowing precisely what you’re doing and pursuing precisely what you want.

You see, people who say things like that, and people like Roger who suggest that the Biden administration is surprised by the outcome in Afghanistan are all operating under the illusion that the Democrats want a positive outcome of our involvement there.

Let’s disabuse ourselves of the idea that the Democrats want anything but America on its knees, both internally and on the world stage.

Look at everything that they’ve done in the last 40 years.

Now consider what they’ve been doing since they attained both houses of Congress and the White House. nothing has changed. They keep serving up failure after failure… And we keep giving them the benefit of the doubt by suggesting that they’re surprised by those failures.

Everything that they’ve done over that time makes a lot more sense when you make the now rather obvious conclusion:

Democrats don’t want a positive outcome for America.

Look at the facts, people. There is no other logical conclusion to draw.