I’m watching the saga in Michigan playing out with the kid who brought his father’s brand new gun to school and shot the place up.
Particularly,I’m watching the law enforcement types and the news media and how they handle the bit with the parents. Supposedly they were taken into custody during the overnight hours of Friday night Saturday morning. They’ve been charged with involuntary manslaughter.
(I hold no particular truck with the parents, except in so far as The usual suspects making all kinds of noise about gun control. I agree event is tragic, and while I agree the parents do bear some responsibility here, I don’t believe that their responsibility rises to that level. This is the da trying to make more out of the case then it was, pretty much like the prosecutor in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse. I suspect we will see a plea deal here.)
The report breathlessly stated that they were hiding in a commercial building less than a mile from the Canadian border, as if we are supposed to take some kind of value from that location.
As anybody who’s been to Detroit more than once will tell you, there’s a goodly chunk of Detroit that meets that description. I’m sure somebody was trying to paint the picture that they were trying to escape the country, but reality sticks its nose in, where in the world were they going to go? Does anybody really suppose they’d have managed to get over the border?
As a matter of fact, the defense attorneys had been trying to get ahold of the district attorney’s office to make arrangements for the pair to turn themselves in. Fox is reporting:
Lehman and Smith, who previously represented convicted child molester Larry Nassar, argued that they were going to “make arrangements” to have their clients turn themselves in on Friday and tried to contact the prosecutor’s office multiple times on Friday “but never got a call back.”
Oh, good. Running the parents up as the equivalent of a child sex offender. Brilliant… Whoever wrote that line should be fired. In any event,
“The prosecutor’s office, instead of getting back to us in any way, decided to have a press conference, and as Miss McDonald admitted, try to find a way to act to surprise our clients and catch them off guard when it was so unnecessary,” Lehman said. “And last night and throughout the day, we were in contact with our clients. They were scared. They were terrified. They were not at home. They were figuring out what to do. Getting finances in order.”
I’m a little annoyed with Fox on the way this story was handled, but I’m more than a little annoyed with CNN for example, and MSNBC, who, as usual, are gleefully telling us what we should think about these events…. Even more blatantly than Fox made the attempt here. They’ve already started talking about how this is all about “justice”.
Well, forgive me, but it seems to me that if the left was really concerned about “justice” and concerned about the truth as they seem to be making out with this case in Detroit they wouldn’t be having their little temper tantrums over the verdict in the Rittenhouse case.
The actions of the DA (who it should be said, owes his job to George Soros) and in turn of the law enforcement people in Michigan and the breathless “reporting” on these matters from the leftist press and even to a certain degree from Fox, strikes me as an attempt to extract as much propaganda value as possible from these events.
To drive that point home I will suggest that there are a large number of people reading this who will call me the bad guy for even having raised these questions at all.
Why, for example, does this case deserve more attention than the number of dead and wounded in Chicago every week?
Why does this case in Detroit deserve more attention than the case of Jesse Smollett’s fraud?
Why does this case deserve more attention than the disaster that is the Biden presidency?
Why does this Detroit case deserve more attention than the ongoing investigation into the Trump Russia hoax?
Why does this case deserve more coverage than the case of the black nationalist and BLM supporter Daryl Brooks mowing down participants in a Christmas parade?
Why does this case deserve more coverage than the Maxwell trial?
The only answer to these questions that makes any sense at all is that while the case in Detroit advances the left and its agenda particularly in the manner it’s being handled by the prosecutor’s office and by the mainstream media.
(In this case, promoting their anti-gun agenda. One can easily understand the level of desperation on the left when they got their backsides handed them in the Rittenhouse case. This case must have seen miraculous to them.)
Meanwhile, these other cases I mentioned and more, cause serious damage to the advancement of that agenda. Focusing on the Detroit matter will have the effect of limiting access to information about these other events. It’s a win-win for the left.
It’s not Justice that the left is after in the Detroit case. What they’re after is propaganda value, and distraction.
Remember, with the left it’s always about pushing the agenda, not necessarily about the truth. That’s always front and center and that’s the one factor in their actions that never, never, never changes.