I’ve been saying for many years now that the rank and file of both parties is far more conservative than anything that either party has coughed up as election fodder in years. Even the Democrat rank and file thinks the Democrats have gone too far. When that starts showing up in the polling you know they’re in trouble.

This note from Hot Air would seem to confirm that point.

It would also seem to confirm that something else I’ve been saying is exactly the case… The science didn’t change, the politics did.

Recently, SFGate’s Eric Ting got a look at internal DCCC polling which provides clear answers to the question Geist asked.

Ting suggests what has changed is polling that shows GOP attacks on Democrats handling of COVID are very effective. Personally, I don’t figure that it has much to do with the GOP’s attacks, it just has more to do with common sense that most people still have, believe it or not. The GOP simply latched on to what they see as a change in the wind.

As for what’s ahead, that would be electoral disaster unless Democrats pivot away from mandates. And indeed they’ve already started doing that.

Which means, the Democrats response to covid-19 was political to begin with. It didn’t end up being political, it started there.