Personally, I’m extraordinarily glad that Liz Cheney is not having to pretend that she lives in Wyoming anymore. But watching how she acted after she received her much deserved spanking is instructive, I do believe.

I’ll just come right out to say this. Liz Cheney is as delusional if not more so then Nancy Pelosi.


As a Republican, she loses in Landslide fashion a primary in a state that’s 92% Republican and a Trump plus 50 district. From this she derives the information that she has enough national support to run for president as a Republican? As far as I can tell, she doesn’t need the support of voters, she needs watching.

Then, in the process of not quite announcing what will doubtless be a very short-lived disaster of a presidential campaign, she displays Her disconnectedness by comparing herself to Abraham Lincoln. Yes siree- bob. She is Abraham Lincoln without the beard. Well, mostly without the beard.

Then she tells us that her Landslide loss is a threat to democracy, apparently forgetting that she was rejected by the voters. Hey Liz, that is democracy.

And by the way Liz, just so you know, there’s a reason why Jeb Bush was rejected as a presidential candidate along with the rest of the establishment Republicans. It’s the same reason your buddy Bill Kristol can’t seem to get any traction with his magazine.

And you didn’t get around to making that phone call to concede? Bad form, Liz.

It’s been suggested that Cheney will try to run as a Democrat for the white house. If she does that it’ll show us two things. First, her love of having governmental power in her hands, secondly her vindictive nature, and as a bonus it will amplify America’s perception of her disconnectedness.

The lesson for you, my dear, is that the Democrats aren’t going to support you even though you went out of your way trying to pass as one of them. And certainly the GOP rank and file isn’t going to support you.

Consider the irony here. She jumped out in a leading role of the January 6th committee, Pelosi’s rigged show trial trying to tell everybody about how things weren’t rigged against Trump. And I’ll bet she still hasn’t figured out where the voters rejected her.

The rejection of the GOP establishment by the GOP rank and file continues apace and the resounding defeat of Liz Chaney at the hands of the voters is heartening. For one thing, it means that the Republican rank and file is much smarter that the Democrats would have you believe.

The GOP rank and file, you see, has correctly identified that the only difference between Democrats and the GOP establishment is that the Democrats aren’t pretending to be Republican.

So, to paraphrase another establishment Republican, I guess we won’t have Liz Cheney to kick around anymore. I can certainly live with that, but more importantly, the country can live with that.

Or, maybe we can quote somebody else a bit more succinctly: you’re fired.