Don Surber says:
Dr. Edwin Leap works in ER at WVU Hospitals in Princeton and Bluefield. (Beautiful country, by the way.)
He wrote, “Patient volumes are high. EMS stretchers line up in front of our desks like small, tragic train cars from some war-zone. On them, old men and women slump in exhaustion or cry from broken bones. On others, young addicts struggle against restraints because of their methamphetamine use, or scream because Narcan robbed them of their high; saving their lives causes instant and miserable withdrawal. They park as we try to find rooms in which to put them when all the rooms are full. Treatment in the the hallway, or in the waiting room, is routine. Nurses, short-staffed as always, try their best to keep up with orders from physicians and balance that against very simple needs of patients, like food, clean gowns or trips to the bathroom. Bedpans in the hallway are, obviously, less than optimal.”
It’s called government healthcare. This is exactly the kind of thing I’ve warned about with government takeover of health care, for the last 20-plus years. Hillary care, Obamacare, it doesn’t matter. It all ends up being exactly as Don describes it here.