Back when hurricane Katrina made a visit to the Gulf States the press went well out of its way to point the finger of blame at the Republican then in the White House, and refused the idea that the blame should have rested squarely on the shoulders of the state and local officials, Democrats, one and all.
I suggested at the time that were the situation to be reversed, if there was a Democrat in the White House and Republicans were in state and local positions that the press would spare no expense of effort money or spittle in blaming the Republican state and local officials.
With hurricane Ian, that prediction has proven true… The politicization of Ian from the Democrats and the mainstream media (but I repeat myself) has been nothing short of epic.
Even before the storm made landfall, the press was complaining that Governor DeSantis wasn’t doing his job, even though they couldn’t point it anything specific that he wasn’t doing.
Meantime, the mainstream media has been acting as not an investigative body, but as stenographers for the Democrats. Past the mindless repetition of the rhetoric coming out of the White House both in terms of press conferences and press releases, no mention of any particular action taken by the White House was made throughout this affair.
It strikes me as amusing that nobody seems to remember the Democrats, following Katrina, laying the claim that such disasters lay solely on the shoulders of the federal government, and are now uniformly seeking to protect the Democrat-run federal government from any such accusations.
Apparently, the hope is that we won’t remember the last few hurricanes and the Democrats actions in those instances.
No wonder we see Democrats complaining that they can’t control the narrative anymore.