- It’s not indigenous people’s day any more than it is the governor Mario M. Cuomo bridge.
- For all the screaming from the left about diversity, can anybody show me a person who is giving up his job willingly to a person of color? Even one??
- So it tu\nrns out that shutting down your domestic energy industries so Greta won’t be sad, and then counting on another country run by a psycho for all your energy needs, has downsides.
- Western Europe is just finding out about this now, Germany in particular. “Green energy” is completely unworkable, and yet that’s the the cliff that the left here in the states is pushing us over.
- It does take a special kind of “leader” to create a situation where the American people are seeing both the recession and record inflation, in less than 2 years after taking power. It takes a Democrat.
- It’s amazing, it was just a short while ago that we were being told that there wasn’t any inflation. Now they’ve got a bill named after it, which of course has absolutely nothing to do with actually fighting inflation.
- When Govt makes enemies of corporations & profits and energy, and rewards unemployment why is anybody shocked when the economy’s in the crapper?
- Have you noticed that Joe Biden doesn’t seem to blink very much if at all? Kind of makes you wonder what they’ve got him on, doesn’t it?
- If something is a good idea it doesn’t need government to make it happen. In fact, if government is pushing an idea somebody in government is making lots of money off of it