Who are you going to blame for this one, Greta?

Writing in Nature Communications, the scientists say these weak layers—made up of historic biological material—made the area susceptible to failure in the face of earthquakes and other seismic activity.

They also highlight that the layers formed at a time when temperatures in Antarctica were up to 3°C warmer than they are today, when sea levels were higher and ice sheets much smaller than at present.
Wait a minute… I thought it was man and his use of fossil fuels that causes such things.

But these events that they’re talking about in this article predate Man by quite a while.

Wait a minute… I thought it was man and his use of fossil fuels that causes such things.

But these events that they’re talking about in this article predate Man by quite a while.

I know, let’s ask Al Gore. He’ll know all about it.

Oh, wait….