Some interesting points passed on by a reader:
“In both the July and August 2020 issues of Astronomy Magazine and again in the June issue of 2021, there is given a measurement of our atmosphere. Discover Magazine has printed the same charts in its September/October issue of this year, 2022.
Astronomers know how to measure atmospheres.
Our atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, which adds up to 99%. Of the remaining 1%, .9% is argon. Carbon dioxide is about 1/25 of the remaining .1%.
There is virtually no carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. What carbon dioxide is produced, it must be used up at once by trees, plants, etc., so that carbon dioxide does not become part of our atmosphere.
If we stop the making of all carbon emissions, our plant life will disappear and we with them for they control the oxygen level of our atmosphere.
Two years in a row, Astronomy printed this material and not a single scientist has challenged their measurements.
Some time ago, some scientists published material about cold fusion. That was immediately challenged, and the idea discarded. No challenges here. How can you challenge a measurement?
Measurements are not theories or models. They are just what is. Climate change is real, it just isn’t caused by carbon dioxide (there isn’t any in our atmosphere).
Fossil fuels do not hurt our atmosphere. Archeology states that there have been many cycles of global warming and global cooling and we are now in a middle period. All these cycles happened before humans even existed. In a timeline of 4.5 billion years, the human race is just a tiny dot at the end of the line. If this tiny dot should suddenly disappear, the cycles would still continue. The planet does not adjust to us, we must adjust to the planet. Species that don’t adjust to the planet go extinct. Our atmosphere is nitrogen, oxygen, and a trace of argon.
A few years ago, a group of scientists took to a ship to Antarctica to study the climate. They went in January, middle of summer there. Their ship got iced in and they couldn’t go forward or backward. Our country came to their rescue to get them out of the ice.
The point is, in the middle of summer, the Antarctic was making sea ice. Strange, I never saw their report in any of the science magazines that I read. It certainly should have been in the Science News magazine.”