I am a white male Christian, heterosexual. Just letting you know so you can praise me for my incredible bravery.

I’m old enough that I remember Democrats were anti-communist.

I can’t help but Wonder how the fox News the Dominion lawsuit would have gone down if the Haldeman report had been released before fax paid $800 million dollars.

Joe Biden most certainly did not inherit a broken system. It was he who broken within the first three weeks of his presidency.

If you see Alvin Bragg, you might want to ask him about the 600 pages of excalpatory evidence that he hid from The Grand jury. It would be a good idea to find those, it might keep him out of jail. Of course if Donald Trump gets elected which seems likely, it might not.

So Blinken is over in Beijing telling the chicoms that we don’t support Taiwanese Independence. Who is we, Kemosabe?

Juneteenth: where we celebrate a large number of white, mostly conservative Americans fighting and dying to eliminate slavery in these United states.