Those who tolerate everything stand for nothing.
Tolerance of itself cannot be a virtue, nor pride, nor are they particularly moral. In both cases they are contextual to what it is you’re tolerating or being proud of.
It’s time to recognize that the people most actively trying to tear down and reform our society are invariably the ones who have nothing to contribute to the existing society.
99% of what gets passed off as racial differences, are actually cultural differences.
The reason that governments become corrupted is because that’s where the power is. Therefore the way to curtail corruption is to reduce to a bare minimum the power that government has.
Problems in the economy are either caused by or exacerbated by governmental intrusion into the free market.
Similarly, always remember that the virus covid-19 was created by government healthcare which they then proceeded to lie about on several levels.
It’s now been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the fbi, the cia, and the doj as a whole interfered in the 2016 and 2020 elections. Do not believe for a second that they won’t try it again. They have more to lose this time around. They know if Trump wins the White House again, their power will be seriously curtailed and many will go to jail.
Problems caused by government are not going to be solved by more government. Those problems will only be solved, or at least reduced, by less government.
Interesting that it’s only leftist parents seemingly that produce transgender kids. When you figure out how that works, you’ll know what to do.