Boy that’s about as dire a prediction in a title as you could find anywhere.
But that is the direction, I think, in which we are headed.
In watching the events of the last several years, and most specifically the last three, I am increasingly persuaded that there’s going to be no avoiding this. I have had the general sense for a long time that the two sides of this upcoming conflict are not going to be defined by state lines, but rather my ideology, and in that mostly the cities versus everywhere else in the country. The cities obviously be more attuned to the left.
This perception crystalized I’m hearing last week’s Observations broadcast. (For those who remember the old q&o blog, which I miss greatly by the way, Dale Franks and Mike Wade have been running their podcast for a few years now.)
The guys touch on the subject of the possible implications of that civil war I mention. Neither one of them want such a conflict, and I suppose I should say I share the sentiment.
I should also say that I do not share Dale’s view on Donald Trump. That said, I do agree with him that the constant drumbeat of political persecution against him is going to be the lit match in the gasoline tank that’s going to set this thing off.