The left as usual is losing its alleged mind on the idea that we might become a meritocracy again that we might actually be judged as Martin Luther King called for… Not by the color of her skin but the content of our character.
But read carefully, the comments of Justice Thomas in his concurring opinion:
“Though JUSTICE JACKSON seems to think that her race-based theory can somehow benefit everyone, it is an immutable fact that “every time the government uses racial criteria to ‘bring the races together,’ someone gets excluded, and the person excluded suffers an injury solely because of his or her race.”
There will always be people and ideologies which will try to divide us based on whatever category they can to gain a leg up not everybody else in, if nothing else, moral superiority.
“The solution to our Nation’s racial problems thus cannot come from policies grounded in affirmative action or some other conception of equity. Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism.”
Or as I’ve been saying for a long time now problems created by government are not going to be solved by more government.
“Anyone who today thinks that some form of racial discrimination will prove ‘helpful’ should thus tread cautiously, lest racial discriminators succeed (as they once did) in using such language to disguise more invidious motives.”
Here I think Justice Thomas underestimates what’s going on today.
“What, then, would be the endpoint of these affirmative action policies? Not racial harmony, integration, or equality under the law. Rather, these policies appear to be leading to a world in which everyone is defined by their skin color, demanding ever-increasing entitlements and preferences on that basis.”
And again I say, politicians can play both ends against the middle because of those policies.
Good riddance to “affirmative action”, you will not be missed.
There was a serious reason for the Democrats to be making all that noise about how conflicted Justice Thomas supposedly was, urgent for his removal from the court by whatever means. They knew this affirmative action case was coming up and they knew how it was going to go down.
In other words he dared to wander off the liberal plantation.
I’ve seen several people commenting that affirmative action is why Clarence Thomas is on the supreme court. Pretending El law for example was the result of affirmative act say. There again, but we’re looking at is the bigotry of low expectations.
Such people would have you believe that no matter how hard Clarence Thomas worked, no matter how brightly he shown intellectually, he wouldn’t have made it to his position without governmental intervention. Does the left really think so little of people of color? Apparently so
You’re going to see a lot of squirming over the next several days and weeks on this matter. But you should always remember the kind of disgusting bigotry that drives those objections. The kind of disgusting bigotry that there’s to suggest that people of color can’t make it in our society without the government intervening.