Want to know where the supposed anti-intellectual movement is coming from? Here’s a taste of it that John Hindersker discusses at Power Line:
No doubt these students also have no idea that billions of people worldwide have been lifted out of poverty by the transition from socialism up to free enterprise. I seriously think the country would be better off if fewer of our young people went to college. And it would be much better off if young people were getting a decent basic education through high school, as they once did, in which case the remedial function that most colleges now play (badly) would be unnecessary. But that is looking like a pipe dream, for now.
The Central point here is the government is running both the high schools and the colleges anymore. If the high schools are failing, (Johnny can’t read his diploma but he knows all about global warming and how bad white men are) should we expect any less out of the colleges which have become de facto government operations as well?