This whole Jason Aldean thing brings to mind Bill Buckley’s comment years ago, about how the left likes to portray itself is open-minded, open to other opinions, other positions, and then is forever shocked amazed and angry, that people actually have other views.

And that’s the situation in a nutshell, right there. Any opposition to the left immediately gets labeled as racist. It’s become cliche. It’s become a knee-jerk reaction from the left to any opposition, frankly because until lately it’s been working for them rather nicely.

The history has been that they wait around for the leftist supposedly mainstream media to tell them who to hate and then they go to town. And as I say it’s been working for them for some time now.

Not anymore, however.

All these detractors found, to their annoyance that much like Rush Limbaugh, Aldine expressed what a majority of Americans were already thinking and expressed it well.

Their anger… (Perhaps best expressed as butt hurt)…. becomes particularly pronounced when they find themselves vastly outnumbered in their position.

Given the reactions I see in the commentariat, it seems a safe bet that the silent majority not only exists but they have reached the international “enough” line.

Of course there are other signs:

The current administration is running approval numbers in the middle 30s, historic Lows. 81 million votes my butt.

The purveyors of woke are suffering mightily under the reaction from the American people. Disney for example where the last 8 movies they produced have fallen flat on their faces like Bowery drunks. Speaking of drinking Budweiser took a 30 billion dollar hit as a result of their virtue signaling with Dylan Mulvaney. Who decided ultimately to move to Peru rather than face the criticism.

If the deflection point has not yet been reached, you can certainly smell it from here.