As normal people, that those of us who are not social justice warrior or employed by the lame stream media, a community is a population with common values, and interests.  As used by the SJW and LSM types, a community is group of liberals that can be group together for political purposes.

from Google :

What does LGBTQ mean? About one in every 10 people is LGBTQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, or Questioning. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and questioning are sexual orientations. Trans is a gender identity.

from Miss CJ, Chicks on the Right:

So wait… you mean it isn’t all rainbows and sunshine within the LGBTQ community? You mean there is actually a hierarchy of who is more oppressed? If you identify as a “cis” gay or “cis” lesbian, you’re less of a priority than a gay man who used to be a woman because you didn’t “win” the Oppression Olympics? It’s like – who wins the gold medal in being a victim of society? Caitlyn Jenner’s in, but a drag queen marching to the tune of “Dude Looks Like a Lady” – not so much.

In short there is no LGBTQ community in any sense that a normal person would understand.