I wrote this 2 years ago and it’s still true today:

On bits blog the other day I showed video of an argument between Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci about whether or not the Wuhan lab was doing Gain of function research.

Mind you, I think Anthony Fauci is a liar and is desperately scrambling to cover his own backside. Apparently Rand Paul thinks so as well.

And understand also that Anthony fauci will continue to get protection from the Democrats in Congress. That’s simply the way it’s done, unless and until he becomes too big and embarrassment for the Democrats at which point he will become another Andrew Cuomo, Jim trafficant, or Gary Hart. Or or perhaps Vince Foster.

Be that as it may the issue that is now hiding in plain sight is that covid-19 is the direct result of research conducted by the CDC and the NIH in China in a lab run by the Chinese communists, and paid for with your tax dollars.

Just sit back and let that sink in for a minute.

Let me focus your attention a bit further. Remember we have on video Anthony Fauci, 2 days after the election of Donald Trump suggesting that Trump would be facing a pandemic. Now how would he know that?

It’s difficult if not impossible to avoid the conclusion that covid-19 was released as a political weapon of last resort, a release which was long planned.