Found elsewhere:
I’ve had enough of this Marxist, anti-American, anti-conservative garbage.
Liberals won’t stop until they dictate what we can say, do, and even think.
No Police, No Church, Empty Jails, Open Borders, Disarmed Americans, Free Everything, Strong China
They are beyond dangerous, they are evil.
Liberalism is the biggest threat to the American way of life…Liberals hate Americans, the Constitution, and free market capitalism. They have destroyed our economy with measures like the lockdowns, the ACA ,and immigration amnesty. The “Affordable” Care Act has been nothing short of a disaster. My health insurance bill is up to $450/month. (Compare this to my $25/month auto insurance from Insurance Panda or my $10/month renters insurance from Homesite. but I’m sure those’ll go up soon too.)
One of our unique capacities of being human articulated speech. It’s not just an ability but a necessity. Our brains are wired for communication so we can think, do, learn, do better. These censoring censuring silencing leftists know it, they want to deny us our hungry so they can control us better. That is evil my friends and we must stand against it for if we refuse, the evil will grow.