So, we find at Hot Air:
Have you noticed that Republicans have been losing a lot lately?
This, in an environment where most Americans think that Democrats are screwing up the country. Why do you think that is?
Sure, hatred of Trump has something to do with it. Abortion politics has something to do with it. A lot, actually. Each of you can name an issue where Republicans are in bad odor with ordinary people, but add them all together and one thing becomes clear: propaganda works.
Why is Trump so unpopular? Was it because things got worse under his presidency? Uh, yeah, no. Things got immeasurably better, and even a lot of people who hate him will say that.
Is abortion such a drag on Republican prospects because people don’t agree that late term abortions are immoral, except in extreme circumstances? That’s not what the polls say.
Why do people think Republicans are all-in on banning books? Has anybody suggested making the publishing of any books illegal? Of course not. Democrats actively campaign to prevent the publication or sale of books they don’t like, but Republicans don’t.
So what is it?
It is the steady drumbeat of propaganda portraying Republicans as Nazi White Supremacists who want to force 11 year-olds to birth babies, schoolmarms who hate gays, and White Supremacists who hunt minorities in the dead of night. We wanted to kill grandma and deserved to be put in camps.
You can’t escape the propaganda. It is everywhere. In the schools, in the classrooms, on every university campus, and in the MSM.
And it works. I had a conversation with a friend who hates Trump and asked him what Trump actually did to make his life worse, and he stared at me. He is Trump!
January 6. Russia. Muh democracy. Orange man bad!
Honestly, he admitted things were better under Trump, but he bought every lie the Left pushed about Trump. The propaganda worked.
Well, yeah, no kidding. And as Paul Harvey used to say,
Advertisers in the United States are going to spend $249.3 billion this year — and, by the way, that’s 5 percent more than last year — telling us all of the good things, real and imagined, about their respective products. Isn’t it a rotten shame that with noisy, distressing, depressing news hour after hour, day in and day out, by our own emphasis on all of the bad things, crime and inflation and pollution and floods and fires and discords and disaster and discontent, by our persistent preoccupation with negatives, we tend to unsell ourselves and our impressionable offspring on a way of life, which is the envy of the rest of the worlds. And repetition is effective. Repetition is effective. Repetition is effective.
Bob Barker asked a game show contestant, “For five hundred dollars, name two famous brothers who made it possible for men to fly.” Without a moment’s hesitation the contestant replied “Ernest and Julio.”
We’ve had 10 years of anti-Trump propaganda being pushed by the left and by the mainstream media, and aided by the never trumpers amongst the establishment GOP. But, I repeat myself. The politicized law enforcement organizations helped enforce the falsehoods.
When the truth eventually leaks out, nobody’s paying attention anymore so in effect they’ve already won, at least in the short term. But each of these lies is costing the government credibility, and eventually we will get to the point where nobody trusts the government anymore.
Mind I don’t consider that to be a bad thing.
The truth is that even Democrats have begun questioning the narrative. It is however an open question whether or not that shift has come in time to save us.