*. I find it fascinating that so many people that claim God doesn’t exist and that the universe just organized itself randomly and without any design, are the same people who tell us that humanity needs to be organized by government.
* The concept of hate speech is generally put forward by people who cannot control the conversation by logical means.
* You certainly have the right to pretend to be whatever you want. Where you’re going to run into trouble with that is expecting everybody else to play along in your fantasy.
* Large numbers of people rightly condemn Hamas for beheading infants in their attacks on Israel and yet planned Parenthood which they support does that all the time.
* Speaking of Hamas, I find it fascinating that so many college students in the ivy leagues received pro Hamas talking points on October 8th… the day after the attacks. And disturbing that nobody seems tremendously interested in knowing where those talking points came from. It seems clear that there was a pre-planned public relations effort here.
* Intriguing that so many people who have been calling conservatives Nazis for years now are now making noises which suggest Hitler had a point about the jews, all along. Interesting also, that so many of those college students started backing away from those pronouncements upon getting called out on them. Almost as if they didn’t reason it out before parroting what their betters told them to say
* I find it fascinating that no women are coming forward to accuse Barack Hussein Obama of sexual misconduct with them. I suppose the reasoning for that is blatantly obvious.