The pro “Palestinian” arguments I’ve been hearing lately, sound an awful lot better in the original German.
It’s a fascinating aspect of this recent conflict; the American left who has been busy for decades now calling those who don’t fall into line with the goose stepping left, “Nazis”, and who are now trying to convince us that as regards Jewish people, Hitler had a point all along. The cognitive dissonance required to make that leap is scarcely to be to believed. It leads one to believe that their stated objectives are not their real objectives.
And speaking of cognitive dissonance, let’s please consider those Jews who insist on voting Democrat. The recent action of the Democrats would seem to render Jewish people voting for them to be well beyond the borderline of insanity… And at least self-destructive.
I suspect it is no accident that October 7th didn’t occur until such time as Joe Biden was in the white house. The same could be said for Vladimir Putin invading Ukraine. Predators, you see, seek out weakness, and capitalize on it.