Several things come out of the primary in Iowa, which Trump won going away.
The first thing that it suggests is that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is done. He may or may not pull the plug on his campaign tonight, but he will within the next week. I still think he’ll make a good vice president if he can ever get over himself, but I wonder if he can.
The second thing is that, mercifully, Nikki Haley is also done. She may try to pick up her home state, but the fact is that in the ultimate rejection of the GOP establishment that Nikki Haley embodies, Trump is going to walk away with that one too. The American people have come to realize what I have been saying for some time now… That the American experiment faces two major problems. The GOP establishment, who is so interested in bipartisanship and getting along with the Democrats that they don’t really care about how our country is being burned to the ground so long as they get to rule over the ashes of it, and the Democrats who are holding the torches. And that’s why Donald Trump is so heavily supported, and will in fact be the nominee.
Ramaswamy has already dropped out, apparently having realized the above, and has endorsed Donald Trump. My expectation is he will play large in a Trump administration and deservedly so.
I hesitate to call this primary a waste of money and time as some have but I understand the sentiment. Still, it’s time to get over it and admit that Donald Trump is the victor, and we’ll also be the Victor in the general election.
Meantime Joe Biden’s approval rating is 32%