I can recall a time watching Candidate Biden telling the world that if Trump was elected, we’d have a war with Iran. Think I’m kidding? Look for yourself. Gee, THAT aged well, didn’t it?

It is now pretty clear that Iran’s attack on Israel was, from a military perspective, an abject failure. According to the reports I’m seeing, Most, or Iran’s drones have been shot down. Oh, make no mistake, here… there was certainly massive firepower in the attack…. but the defense was unquestionably better. And of course there were civilian casualties… but not nearly what Iran hoped.

Interestingly, the design of the drones appear to have a similar design to the “buzz Bombs” used by the Nazis back in the day. How appropriate.

Anyway, it all came to very little. It’s what comes of practice, I suppose. Israel has had lots of practice defending itself from the crazies, of necessity.

But now, what do we have here?
A failed policy.

Like Putin, Iran waited until Biden was in the White House to make their move. At least in this sense, they are sensitive to the political goings on here in the States. They recognize that Trump is the likely winner of this next election, and they know what that means for their conquests. So if they were going to do anything at all, now was the time. You may recall I suggested Iran would make a move like this prior to Biden leaving office.

Like it or not… like HIM or not…. the fact is Donald Trump had Iran broken.

Biden reestablished them with Billions in cash and the removal of sanctions, despite his promises of being in control of those funds. And so, we have the current situation. The attack on Israel was paid for with the money Joe Biden, in his abject weakness, sent them.

As to how this plays out, let’s consider Iran, first. On their own, Iran certainly cannot invade Israel. That’s why the drones, of course. They simply don’t have the ability to do much more, lacking both manpower and equipment. The most likely attack beyond drones would be an air war. and Iran simply doesn’t have equipment or manpower that can do more than scratch the surface of Israel’s defenses. IIRC, the most recent fighters they have are MIG-29’s and F-14’s. Not going to cut it. So, onto other states in the region which Iran my try to call on to aid them.

It’s noteworthy that most Arab states have a large hatred for the Iranian government. No shock then, that the Jordanians and the Saudis are reportedly prepared to shot down any Iranian drones in their airspace. Joe Biden tried to credit himself for them doing that, but the fact of the matter is that have done it anyway. It’s been long established policy for those people. Notice also that they’re not willing to intervene on behalf of israel. Again no surprise.

The only real ally in the region that Iran has is Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, and he’s barely able to hang onto the territory he’s got, much less engage in a hot war with Israel even with the Iranians fighting alongside him.

Which of course does not of itself suggest Iran won’t make the attempt. But when they do…(Notice please, I didn’t say “IF”…) they’ll get spanked, The question becomes, however, how many lives did Biden Bugling cost? Biden and the Democrats have yet to realize that Iran uses that weakness…. that propensity for negotiated settlements, as they do any other weapon… against their enemies… including US. This attack is another example of this.

When will the lesson be learned?


“None of this money goes to the mullahs. None of this money goes into Tehran. The sanctions relief that is provided actually goes to vendors that provide humanitarian assistance to the Iranian people”

The Biden Administration Gave Iran Billions in New Sanctions Relief Exactly One Month Ago

Sure, joe. Sure