I’m on record years back, as labeling Glen Greenwald the least honest blogger in existence. Then, just a couple years back, he finally hit the international “Enough” line, because even he couldn’t stand what the left was doing anymore. I’ve always suspected the change was a long thought process in the doing.
But now, he comes up with this, via Ed Driscoll:
He goes on to say in a follow-up tweet….
“That episode single-handedly destroyed trust in public health officials, proving they’d politicize their expertise when convenient. Corporate media celebrated a douchebag-lawyer shaming families at deserted beaches, then — overnight! — cheered densely packed street protests.”
Well, yes, I said so at the time. But we must also remember that the virus, as is becoming clear, years after the event, was created by portions of the US government, in cooperation with the communist Chinese, and paid for with US Tax dollars. (Yes, the Republican led House is on the case.. Though I wonder if any real consequences will ensue for the perps The NIH, particularly, has been stonewalling. Particularly, Fauci.)
Remember Fauci getting up on his hind legs in a CNN interview, after Trump won the election, but before he had even taken the oath, saying that Trump would face a pandemic?
How would he know? Because he FINANCED it. Increasingly, this is looking like what Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were texting hopefully about, about how they were going to “stop Trump”.
Make no mistake, these events are connected. And Greenwald is quite right when he suggests that Covid was political. At the time, I passed it off as mere opportunism. But increasingly, I am now persuaded that the function of the release of Covid was to serve the purposes of the Chinese and their puppets in the Democrat party.
Yes, I know very well folks died from it, the world over, particularly those with more fragile health. But they didn’t worry about that. It all served their purpose. Besides the older folks who died would have voted Republican, anyway. No loss there, insofar as the plan goes. Dastardly? You bet. But when you’ve got a conservative to politically cripple, it’s a small price to pay. Make no mistake, here. I’m quite aware of the inhumanity required. But after watching these people operate, I wouldn’t put it past them.,
All of which brings us up to today and the sham trial in New York where The George Soros bought DA, the far left judge and the deep blue Jury…(What else can you expect from Deep Blue NYC?) leveled bogus convictions on the man whose only real crime was threatening the power of the Democrat party, and thereby the plans of their puppet masters in Beijing.
Look, I’m not claiming any special insight, nor am I claiming any clairvoyance, here. I do, however, have the ability to recognize patterns.
The pattern holding true, the trial was not about justice. It was about politics, pure and simple.
Ask yourself…. if they used Covid for political purposes, and clearly, they did... do you really put bogus trials like what we saw in NYC past them?