It is said that the purpose of the Vice President is to make the top of the ticket look good by comparison. I submit that’s how Kamala Harris got the job of Biden’s VP. She was brought in as an insurance policy against Uncle Creepy being taken out by his own party, because everyone knows that bad as Biden can be and is, Harris would be worse…. far worse. Of course now, they’re staring incredulously at the likelihood that Harris is the only option they have for 2024.

Picture the Roadrunner’s Coyote watching that rapidly rising valley floor, and you have the entirety of the mindset of the Democrat party today.

The overall mistrust and disdain for Harris is nothing new, of course. Look, nobody, and I mean nobody…. not even Democrats… wanted this woman anywhere near the oval office, even as a janitor. She never got close to 25% in any primary polling. Even today, as this is written, her approval rating stands at an appalling 37% among likely voters. That’s now the lowest approval rating of any VP since they started tracking such things….. and as Powerline graphically points out, that includes Cheney shooting a guy in the face.

So, now, we have a Democrat party seeing that insurance policy… Harris as VP… of itself becoming a political and electoral disaster. Much as we can be assured Biden will not win in the general election, we can be equally if not more assured that Harris won’t either, should it come to that. The Democrats literally have no recourse to this scenario.

As it looks now that’s exactly what it’s come to. We have a Democrat party faced with the prospect of Harris as POTUS until November if Biden is pushed out, or at least as the candidate since Biden’s performance in the “debate”” proved he’s not up to the task. and showed us clearly that there’s no way Biden will survive politically, …and perhaps literally…. to election day, much less beyond it. I mean, look, call me cynical if you like, but it wouldn’t shock me at all to see Joe Biden suffering a mysterious heart attack prior to the Democrat convention in Chicago.

(As an aside, it wouldn’t shock me, either, were China, Iran, North Korea or Russia to make a military move before the Second Tuesday in November., regardless of Biden living that long, or not. Tell me again how Biden has made us… and the world around us, a safer place.)

It is also said of course that weak men give us bad times. This situation would seem to be a very illustrative case in point.