Kamala Harris is probably one of the few people on the planet that is less comprehensible as a speaker than Joe Biden is. Again, remember that the job of the vice president is to make the top of the ticket look good, comparatively. She certainly has shown her capability there. That’s not even going to fly with the Democrats, much less those in the general election. I’m seeing a lot of wishful thinking amongst Democrats who claim that Harris will mop the floor in a debate with Donald Trump.

Are you kidding me?

Granted that the Donald has his moments of incoherency, where the thoughts come faster than the words, but in the case of Harris, it comes down to a lack of the ability to think. I tell you the truth, her speaking at the convention is going to be a laugh riot.

The word “riot”brings to mind the issue of the Democrat convention in Chicago. It’s pretty much a lock sure bet that we will see other Democrats throwing their hats in the ring. I’m already hearing rumblings that there’s a fair number of delegates who feel short shifted by Biden assuming they will all vote for whoever it is he designates… In this case, Harris. These will doubtless gravitate to the other candidates.

Then of course, there is the extreme left of the party, who will want to feed their socialist dreams into the Democrat mindset at the Chicago convention. Anybody with a sense of History will remember the 1968 convention in Chicago, with the remarkably similar circumstances, wherein LBJ decided he wasn’t going to run (being about as popular as chlamydia) and tried to turn his delegates over to Hubert Humphrey who eventually won the nomination through smokey room brokering as much as anything else, but lost the general election. Granted, the past is not prologue but it does seem a solid indicator here.

With all those players it’s going to come down to who she does the best job of pandering to. Harris has a history of changing her position 180° several times inside of a week depending on who it is she’s grandstanding for. If you think that’s not going to come up in the convention and subsequently, think again.

Even how Harris describes herself has been changing rather dramatically. Whereas previously she was describing herself as a mixture of East Asian and whatever else she now claims to be a black woman, apparently trying to latch onto the black vote which has been slipping away from the Democrats for the last 15 years or so.

Thing is she’s not of African descent nor has she had anybody in her line who was a slave. Then there is her record as a DA, and the overly large number of black men she’s incarcerated.

Trust me when I tell you that’s not going to fly with black voters. Sorry it just won’t.

If you think all of her opponents including the other Democrats at the convention and Donald Trump aren’t going to bring this point up, guess again.

Harris has a staff of 47 people, or had. 43 of them have quit in the last three and a half years. There’s got to be a reason for this and it’s a subject that’s going to be broached during the general election should she manage to escape Chicago intact. Which I doubt.

There are no indications at this point that this is going to end well for the Democrats, however this goes.