In reading all I can on this subject of Walz and the case of stolen valor, I’m convinced that there is morally more and legally less than either side wants to admit.

First of all, it should be noted that the Democrats don’t care about stolen valor anyway, or the senior senator from Connecticut would not be the senior senator from Connecticut, but rather, prisoner a6751.

Does Walz have a legalistic hoop to jump through to escape the criticism? Well yes, and no.

Certainly he can make the legalistic argument based on what’s been put forward.(And I point out that accepting that at face value is a highly questionable act.)

But in my view… And increasingly in the view of the majority of Americans, the morality of the issue is a higher one. Of course the left doesn’t share that view…. And what can you expect from a group of people who have been telling us for the last 50 years that morality doesn’t matter? In the moral view, a half truth is still an untruth.

The never Trumpers have been circling the wagons around Walz on this one and flailing helplessly as public opinion about the man slides downhill… A lot of it with the aid of people who are actually unfortunate enough to serve with him.