From Bob Spencer:

“Accomplishments? During his one term as president, Carter fought the “energy crisis” by scolding Americans for using too much energy and overseeing a proliferation of government regulation in order to make Americans become more energy-conscious and less wasteful. But the whole endeavor was built on sand: there was actually no energy crisis. The world’s oil reserves did not run out in the 1980s, as had been predicted, and not because Carter saved the day by winning what he called the “moral equivalent of war.”

Carter only made the real problem worse: oil companies were so beset with restrictions and regulations that they couldn’t take adequate steps to find new oil supplies. Carter’s successor, Ronald Reagan, changed that, and the days of the energy crisis were over, at least until apocalyptic climate hysteria of a different kind became the centerpiece of later Democratic presidents’ efforts to assert even more federal control over the lives of Americans.”

Indeed, and the thing is it always seems to come down to that, additional control by the federal government over the people, where Democrats (and their fellow travelers in the establishment GOP) are involved, and using whatever excuse is to hand in the pursuit of that control. Global warming, global cooling, fuel shortages, a virus which as it turned out, was bought and paid for by the federal government, a point which the self same federal government went to Great lengths to cover up.
Let somebody come along, like Bob mentions, Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump and the establishment of both parties get desperate to shut them down. Apparently, their worst fear is not being able to be in absolute control of our daily lives.

At some point in a conversation about Jimmy Carter, the argument always comes up that “he meant well”. I don’t propose to argue that point. I will however suggest, that like FDR before him, his heavy-handed bumbling only made the situation worse.

Meantime I will make the obvious observation that Carter must be breathing a sigh of relief, with the understanding that he’s no longer the worst president in history.