So with word today that Arizona has been called for Trump, that gives him 312 EC votes to Harris’ 226… Which by the way is the worst electoral performance from a Democrat ticket in quite a spell…. By my admittedly rough calculations, that puts it into Reagan over Mondale territory.
Not only that, but Trump secured the popular vote as well thus silencing the usual crowd about how Trump’s victory is an electoral college quirk…. A one-off. Apparently arrogance, and an immoral superiority doesn’t convince anybody to vote Democrat.
Indeed, to get these numbers to look that far out of balance, what’s required is pushing people away from the Democrat party, often well established Democrats. People who have been voting Democrats into office for generations.
If nothing else, this should be an indication to the Democrats just how wildly unpopular their agenda is.
Thus far, there have been no charges of fraud leveled against Trump and his people, and even if they had the chutzpah to try it, the Congressional voting… Which gave the Republicans three additional seats in the Senate and four in the House… would make such a lie so obvious as to be laughable. There was definitely a message being sent to Washington from the voters.
So with all that going on one really must wonder how long it will be before the Democrats managed to unburden themselves from what they have wrought.
I notice Leticia James isn’t about to give up. Got to wonder what she thinks she’s fighting for. It certainly doesn’t involve the will of the people, or saving democracy as the Democrats have been so wont to say. Captain Ahab must have his whale,I suppose. And the blame game has already started warming up.
So I guess any serious soul-searching amongst Democrats has several problems attached to it. The first of them being, they don’t have one.