It’s amusing and instructive to listen to the Democrats complained that Trump’s nominees for various cabinet posts are not qualified for the positions they’ve been nominated for, when in fact they have been supporting both Biden and Harris, two people who clearly were not qualified for the positions that they held.

Then, too, let’s consider the individuals identified administration thought were in fact qualified:

Let’s break this one down.

A cabinet post does not mean by any stretch of anyone’s imagination that one needs to have serious experience directly relatable to the department which one overseas. A cabinet position does not mean that they are going to be running the day-to-day operations of their departments. That’s not their job.

Presidential cabinet members are there to ensure that the policies of the duly elected president are carried out. That’s it. No more, no less.

The Democrats would have us limited to people of supposed expertise, (are those of political convenience) but the fact of the matter is the tyranny of expertise has not served us well at all, and neither has political convenience.

I submit to you that the current method of selecting cabinet positions has led, for example, to the direct pipeline of people from Goldman Sachs to the US Treasury and the back again. The results on our economy of that pipeline have been anything but laudable.

Similarly, we’ve ended up with supposed experts from Bristol Myers AstraZeneca, etc hip deep in the doings of the FDA. The mishandling of covid should be considered a clear demonstration of the value of that pipeline.

The reason that the Democrats are scrambling trying to prevent these nominees from being confirmed, simply put, is that they will actually do their job, making sure that the president’s policies are carried out. That, my friends, is their worst fear.

It’s also important to recognize that to a man, every one of Trump’s cabinet appointees have had their rights abused by the very agencies that they are appointed to oversee. That is probably the most important factor of all in this.