So, creepy Uncle Joe pardons his no good kid? Yeah …big shock, right?
Anybody who didn’t know that was coming probably that the Democrats wouldn’t get an epic beatdown in the most recent election.
And of course they also believed:
* You can’t believe Hunters former friend Robert Hur… He is a liar.
* The videos of Biden stumbling up stairs and issuing embarrassing word salads at official events, are just cheap fakes.
* Inflation is transitory.
* Afghanistan is a success.
* The border is secure.
* Biden has a cold. Don’t worry, he’ll never drop out.
* Oh, I’ll never pardon Hunter.”
In a broader sense, this is deeper than simply Joe Biden, this is the Democrat party.
* Russia, Russia, Russia.(Literally millions of dollars worth of investigation, and the investigators finally concluded that there was no proof of it.)
* J6 (An Insurrection that nobody was ever charged with, and the first Insurrection in history where the supposed Insurrectionists were unarmed. In fact, the only person who was shot and killed was a protester…. And the blue suit in question got a promotion out of it.)
* Attacks on Clarence Thomas, (which amounted to nothing, no evidence…)
*Attacks on Brett Kavanaugh, (which amounted to nothing, no evidence…)
* If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
* There will be a tax cut for the middle class. (And a week after the election, a 180 gets issued.)
Do you see a trend developing here?
I mean, if I was to list all of the flat out lies that we have been subject to from the Democrats over the last 10-20 years I’d need a lot bigger blog, and you’d need the entire weekend to read it.
So, the pattern is well established, here.
By the way, for those of you keeping count this brings the record of promises from Joe Biden that he has broken to every single one of them.
That well established pattern is why actual news agencies ( a list in which I do not include NBC, ABC, and CBS, CNN, and certainly not the soon-to-be extinct MSNBC) were constantly peppering the White House and KJP with questions about whether or not Biden would pardon his son. They knew, even then.
It was as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning. Let’s face it, this was inevitable. If Biden had actually stayed in and won the election, (you can stop laughing, now…) he would have waited until after the election to issue the pardon. As it is, he personally has nothing to lose and everything the gain by this pardon.
“No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach
any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my
So said creepy Uncle Joe in his public statement about his action. But of course that’s another lie, and a big one. Either he’s forgotten or he’d like everybody else to forget, that there are literally thousands of people… Including a large percentage of minorities… in jail for precisely the same offenses. I mean, whatever happened to “nobody is above the law”? Obviously, there are exceptions.
And reasonable? Does that mean that the majority of the American voters which put Donald Trump back in the White House and gave both houses of Congress to the GOP, are unreasonable?
And how about the long list of nonsense charges that would never have been brought had Mr Trump not decided to run for president again? Singled out for prosecution? There’s your poster boy.
What an interesting, and flexible definition for that word “reasonable” he must have!
Another point….This is a blanket pardon for anything that he might have done over the last 10 years.
It also includes the period of time when he was on the board at Berisma and collecting money from Vladimir Putin’s old friends in Kiev.
Leaving aside the obvious reference to the protected classes, let’s look at who else is being protected by this. Joe Biden himself.
Make no mistake, here. We know that Hunter Biden was selling access to the “big guy”…. who by the way got 10% of the receipts.
In issuing this pardon, Joe Biden has wrapped a layer of protection around himself by quite effectively limiting investigations into the activities of the Biden family.
And that’s really what this is all about.
Thing is, the American voters know it, too. Let’s just hope they don’t forget it in 2 years.
Let’s hope also that we don’t see similar pardons for Jack Smith and other George Soros backed prosecutors as we see the aforementioned MSNBC calling for.