The war of words between AOC and Nancy Pelosi is revealing on a number of different levels.
First off, it demonstrates just how far to the left AOC is. I mean, where is there to go when you’re too far left for Nancy Pelosi?
It also shows that Pelosi, for all of her faults, has begun to realize just how dearly having AOC in their caucus has cost the Democrats.
Pelosi has never been comfortable around AOC. I have had several reports over the years that whenever the two interacted, Pelosi was seen drinking more lunch than usual.
Now that AOC has gotten a little taste of power, she appears to be thinking that she stands a chance at the Democrat party leadership in the house. After all, Pelosi is not going to be around much longer, however you slice it.
That said, given the current mood of the country as regards the Democrats she may be in the Democrat leadership but she’s never going to be speaker. Thank God for small favors.