John Hindracker says this morning
“Joe Biden” was just a name on the ballot, served up because, as of 2020, he had wide name recognition but not a far-left image. A perfect combination! And one that did not require him to do anything at all, once in office. A vote for Biden was simply a vote for things as they were: a government trending always to the left, with trillions of dollars being dispensed by a benign bureaucracy–the real power in America, the fourth branch that is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution.
I think this narrative helps to explain why Democrats are so horrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency. Trump, a real, non-senile president? A president with a mandate from the voters to bring about important changes? A president who will re-assert control over the “fourth branch”? A president who won’t be a pawn in the hands of Washington insiders? A president who actually understands and carries out his duties under Article II? A president capable of standing up to the Washington establishment?
This is what passes for revolutionary change in our late-stage republic.
Indeed so John, and well said.
The obvious problems with the Biden administration and particularly with the incapacity of Biden himself, was the reason behind the illegalities, outright fraud and protectionism that was demonstrated by the Democrats and their lackeys in the mainstream media, for the last five years, now.
All of this resulted in the Democrats being handed their backsides in the most recent election. The fourth branch, otherwise known as the deep state, or if you prefer, the swamp, fully exposed itself during the Biden administration.
This resulted in Donald Trump being the first Republican nominee to beat two Democrat candidates in the same election, despite the news media and the pollsters saying that the election was a close one (and therein trying to create their own reality… and thus exposing themselves even further).
It’s going to be quite a while before any of them are seriously listened to again, by the majority of Americans. Oh, there will always be hangers on, people too emotionally invested in keeping the Democrats afloat. But their numbers will be comfortably low for at least a few election cycles.
A great thing, that…