According to one Chris Cuomo, saying a journalist, but not an ordinary citizen,  is guilty of pedaling fake news is worse than calling him the n-word, from Kimberlee Kaye, Legal Insurrection:

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo just took “tone deaf” to a new dimension during a SiriusXM Radio interview Thursday.

“The only thing that’s bothersome about it, is that I see being called ‘fake news’ as the equivalent of the n-word for journalists, the equivalent of calling an Italian any of the ugly words that people have for that ethnicity. That’s what fake news is to a journalist,” said Chris Cuomo on SiriusXM POTUS (Ch. 124) Thursday.

“It is an ugly insult and you better be right if you’re going to charge a journalist with lying on purpose and the president was not right here and he has not been right in the past.”

Of course prior to the election the term “fake news” was not an approved CNN talking point, from Breitbart (October 2016):

CNN’s Ch ris Cuomo claims accessing WikiLeaks’ troves of Hillary Clinton emails is “illegal” for private citizens, but not for the media.


The legal veracity of these statements has yet to be determined, but Cuomo’s words were anything but vague. While Todd McGregor claims that the reporter’s words were “taken out of context,” his words were pretty difficult to misconstrue.

The real issue with Cuomo’s assertion isn’t the veracity of his legal reasoning — it’s that he is using a nationally televised platform to actively discourage U.S. citizens from looking at emails damaging to the Clinton campaign for themselves. To an audience that contains millions of people less tech-savvy, this frames due diligence as a crime, and CNN as the arbiter of truth

Then prior to the election anything the mainstream media said was said by them to be the truth.