davidl on January 14th, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonEric Lipton, New York Times, argues the Clintons continue to miscontrue the facts regarding Mrs. Clnton’s vote which authorized the liberation of Iraq:

In interviews and at a recent campaign event, they[the Clintons] have said that Mr. Hagel, Republican

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davidl on January 12th, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonAs Bit commented yesterday, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign looks to be going for ugly.  The Clinton loved passing B.J. off as the “First Black President’ but how dare an uppity black stand between Mrs. Clinton the Oval Office.

Eric Kleefeld

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Mrs. William ClintonIn the comments for Bit’s New Hampshire post, Reader suggested that voters were moved by Mrs. Clinton’s crying act.  It the policy of this site to treat all episodes of the Clintons crying in public as suspect.  It called

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davidl on January 7th, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonMrs. Clinton, as quoted by Ben Smith, Politico:

“It’s not easy.”

Did B.J. ever promise you it would be easy?

Funny Mrs. Clinton, just a mere week ago, you tried to sell Iowa a bill of goods promising all

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton Discovers Life Outside the Rose Garden

davidl on January 7th, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonHere is a reminder of why Bob Shrum is a highly paid political advisor, from the New York Daily-News:

The Clinton industry, encrusted with the beneficiaries and acolytes of the first and probably only Clinton presidency, has turned Hillary

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davidl on January 5th, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonMatthew Yglesias, Atlantic,  seems as confused by Mrs. Clinton’s recent campaign maneuver as I am.    Mrs. Clinton has accused  Barack Obama of being too liberal.   Thomas Edsall, Puffington Post:

Hillary’s aides point to Obama’s extremely progressive record as

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton’s Boomerang

davidl on January 3rd, 2008

Mrs. William ClintonMrs.  Clinton, the clueless one, who is billed by her husband, as some sort of “World Class Genius” , and calls herself tough, finally found somebody  she was had the backbone which to stand-up against..

Mrs. Ciinton stood-up to Micheal

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton Makes Her Stand

davidl on December 31st, 2007

First Mrs. Clinton was famous for answering questions from plants. Then she stonewalled David Gregory’s. Now she is stonewalling her audience. The Des Moines Register reports on [Mrs.] Clinton’s Silence:

Mrs. William ClintonIowa Falls, Ia. – Iowans have noticed that

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton has Run Out of Plants

davidl on December 29th, 2007

Mrs. William ClintonMrs. Clinton touts her experience, and the fact she thinks herself ready to lead our nation in a time of war.  Yet Mrs. Clinton said this, from AFP:

Hillary Clinton Friday called for an independent, international probe into Benazir

Continue reading about Jim Addison: Is Mrs. Clinton Nuts

davidl on December 28th, 2007

The Clinton’s have become prolific, albeit rather inept, liars.    Steve Gilbert, Sweetness & Light, compares Mrs. Clinton’s press release to her autobiography:

Mrs. William ClintonShe just can’t help herself:

I came to know Mrs. Bhutto over many years, during her tenures

Continue reading about Steve Gilbert : Mrs. Clinton Can’t Help Herself

davidl on December 28th, 2007

Mrs. William ClintonAnn Althouse obviously has a much greater willingness to parse Mrs. Clinton in detail than I do.  Professor Althouse catches this snippet of Clintonspeak:

Writes David Linkin (linked by Stephen Kaus). He’s talking about Hillary Clinton in a

Continue reading about Ann Althouse on Mrs. Clinton’s Doublespeak

davidl on December 26th, 2007

Flim flam artists are always trying to seperate a fool from his money.  

Case one, I ran with with this story on 28 October, but it bears repeating:

When Nomatter Tagarira, a spirit medium, claimed that she could conjure

Continue reading about The Oil Marm: Tagarira V. Clinton

davidl on December 24th, 2007

Mrs. William ClintonIn 1992, B.J. Clinton campaigned on a “Middle Class Tax Cut.”

In 2000, John Edwards promised to make Christopher Reeves walk again.

Now Michael McAuliff, Daily News(NY), reports Mrs. William Clinton is promising “Elect me and oil prices

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton’s Energy Magic

davidl on December 24th, 2007

The Washington Post is questioning the moral underpinnings of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, “Racial Undercurrent Is Seen in Clinton Campaign:”

Mrs. William ClintonIt has unfolded mostly under the radar. But an important development in the 2008 Democratic battle may be the

Continue reading about Mrs. Clinton: A Bigot And Her Campaign

Eric Florack on December 22nd, 2007

CONCORD, N.H., Dec. 21 -Washington Post- After months of discussion within her campaign over how heavily she should draw on her husband’s legacy, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is closing out her Iowa and New Hampshire campaigns in a tight embrace

Continue reading about Hillary Confirms: It’s All About a Third Term for Bill Clinton