Larry Kaplan this morning:

The good news here is that, after a decade of touting microinitiatives, school uniforms, and Fleetwood Mac tunes, the party of Harry Truman has finally rediscovered its voice on national security issues. The bad news is that it’s the voice of George McGovern.

Rather than claim the mantle of Truman, John F. Kennedy or even Bill Clinton, the Democratic presidential field lately seems to be taking its foreign policy cues from the New York Review of Books.

The money line:

If the Democratic Party intends to run against a popular war, its leaders might wish to recall the lesson of a Democrat who ran against an unpopular war.  (McGovern) He lost 49 states.

Here, Kaplan is close, but seems to have missed the target. Vietnam was only unpopular as he calls it, among the radical leftists that supported McGovern. And let’s be real, here….. is there ever really a popular war?

And perhaps that’s the point I’m making; wars are never popular, even among those who support our involvement in this one or that one.  Such support, however is a realistic response, not a measure of popularity. McGovern’s problem was he was as unrealistic as the leftists who supported him.

Not unlike those eager to end Mr. Bush’s presidency.
