From NJ.COM:

TRENTON — Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell is dismissing Gov. Chris Christie as a non-factor in the presidential race because of the controversial closing of lanes to the George Washington Bridge. He named Jeb Bush as his favorite

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Eric Florack on April 1st, 2013

Here’s a point I’ve been making for some time, now…. as expressed by Terry A. Hurlbut at the site Conservative News and Views:

Everyone remembers the anti-propaganda campaign that followed: “Bush Lied; People Died!”, “General Betray-Us,” et cetera ad nauseam

Continue reading about Saddam’s WMD Still Alive And Well, in Syria

Eric Florack on November 23rd, 2012

OK, let’s start with a memory:

Well, the meaning of a yellow light is changing, according to the National Journal:

The National Motorists Association has a warning for the millions of drivers hitting the road for the busy holiday travel

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Eric Florack on October 28th, 2012

I was asked once why businessmen in general are usually soul anti-government.   I quickly responded by saying that it’s because they’re the ones that deal with the results of government.  All of it negative.

Just recently former presidential candidate George

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Eric Florack on October 21st, 2012

MOre on the Obama Campaign Funding Scandal

The New York Post s saying something we told you about here over a week ago.


The Obama re-election campaign has accepted at least one foreign donation in violation of the

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Eric Florack on October 21st, 2012

How to know when your campaign has picked the wrong spokes person and is in trouble:

Sandra Fluke, the woman at the center of a media firestorm earlier this year after Rush Limbaugh called her a “slut,” spoke Saturday in

Continue reading about Sandra Fluke Pro-Obama Speech Draws Ten People

Eric Florack on October 21st, 2012

Why did Benghazi happen?

It’s a question the news media and the left keeps asking,  along with a number of Americans who decided back in ’08, along with that magnificent mental midget John McCain, that we had nothing to fear

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Eric Florack on October 6th, 2012

It doesn’t appear to be Obama’s year. Eric Pianin at MSN of all places, notes;

President Obama ventured into the Rose Garden Tuesday morning to announce new measures to crack down on oil market manipulation and address soaring gas prices.

Continue reading about It Doesn’t Appear to be Obama’s Year.

Eric Florack on October 5th, 2012

The Washington Examiner is reporting tonight, on Another Obama Campaign Funding Scandal which may be the biggest bombshell in years:

Some say President Barack Obama was clearly off his game during Wednesday’s televised Presidential debate. Others say it was

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Eric Florack on October 5th, 2012

Obama’s been in the Bubble for too long. Far be it from me to agree with the mega-moron, Dana Milbank, on much of anything. But so he indicates in today’s column, and he appears to nail it fairly well here

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Eric Florack on October 5th, 2012

The White House this morning, is serving up fake jobs numbers… again.  And they read like a fairy tale.

7.8% unemployment.

But notice… the U6.. the real unemployment number…  isn’t listed in the reports we all see…  It stood at

Continue reading about Fake Jobs Numbers…. Again

Watching the Denver Demolition last night, the thought struck me that the attempts by the Obama people to lower the expectations going into this thing, didn’t do the job nearly as well as they needed to. This is clearly a

Continue reading about The Denver Demolition: A Case of Expectations Not Being Set Low Enough

Eric Florack on October 3rd, 2012

About that 2007 Obama Hamptons Video…


Here it is.

I should warn you, that the draw  on the servers at the Daily Caller is apparently quite high. I’d be interested in seeing how many millions have seen the vid.

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Eric Florack on September 30th, 2012

Quickly,  read Dick Morris on the subject. His comments are spot on, here.

I will quote the whole of the article, here because it doesn’t break out easily.

Republicans are getting depressed under an avalanche of polling suggesting that an

Continue reading about Why the Polls are Wrong…

Eric Florack on September 30th, 2012

At some point during this next week, you’re going to hear one of the Democrats, either Obama or Biden mouth the words “Two wars we didn’t pay for”. Likely at the debates scheduled for this week, but outside those venues

Continue reading about “Two Wars We Didn’t Pay For”.