The majority of this evening’s ramble is going to be taken up with the myth called “immigration reform”.

First allow me to say that just because the word reform is attached to it does not automatically mean it is advantageous.

Let me further point out, that anything with Ted Kennedy’s name attached to it, is bound to directly the opposite of “advantageous”.

I wouldn’t mind immigration reform if it was what it promised to be.  The fact of the matter is, it has not been so on any recent previous attempt, most recently in 1986. The problem with that law, is that it was never enforced.  It was good, it was workable, but nobody bothered.

A law, understand, isn’t worth the powder to blow up, if nobody obeys it.  And that, primarily, has been the issue with the aforementioned previous immigration reform attempt. But, because a lot gets passed, and Congress gets to sit back and say “Look at what I’ve done.  I’ve managed to take care of the immigration issue…”  that kind of equation can only come from someone who figures the law is the solution to everything.

I will remind you, that just recently a law was passed to build a border fence .  Hundreds of miles long, this thing was supposed to be.  So far, we’ve had about, what, four miles of it?

Further, I am against any proposition of amnesty for current illegals.  What kind of message do we send to the world, when we allow our laws to be abused, so?  Do we reward drunk drivers for having managed to break the law without getting caught for however many years?  No, we don’t.

I will doubtless be called a bigot, for this stand; words cannot possibly describe how little I care.  The bottom line is, that if passed as such, this monstrosity will spell the end of the United States of America as we know it within thirty years or so; we will become a third world nation in that time. I’m telling you my friends, these morons are calmly intent on selling out our country’s sovereignty.
The fact that Democrats are currently in control of Congress, doesn’t help matters very much.

I note McQ posting much the same thought.

And .

And The Digital Federalist ยท

And The Populist

Brian Bilbray (R-California) released a statement:

“no matter how much you want to candy coat it, amnesty is not only wrong from the common sense point of view, it’s immoral”

“The “compromise” announced today by senator Kennedy, will reward 12 million illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship.  What part of “illegal” does senator Kennedy not understand? “

GMTA, and all that. Or, perhaps, what we’re talking here is simply common sense.

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